Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Thursday, August 24, 2006

First day of School

First day of School

Kyler and Kendrick started school this Wednesday. They boys were very excited. Kyler had six friends in his class from pre-school or the neighborhood. Kendrick made some friends the first day since none of his buddies from last year are in his class.

Kyler really likes his teacher. And Kendrick’s teacher Mrs. Stone seems to be good fit for him – kind of goofy and fun loving. She also makes household chores part of her homework program. Kendrick is learning how to wash and fold laundry.

Sandie said Kyler’s appetite was huge at lunch today. Great! We’re still trying to pack on the pounds for him. (Hagen Dazs ice cream has 18 grams of fat and 270 calories in a ½ cup serving)

Thanks for keeping tabs on what’s going on with us and praying.

Sandie’s Dad goes home Tuesday of next week. He continues to improve. Thanks for lifting him up in prayer. Pray for the adjustment both he and Ann will have to make in this next season.


Darrell Haskins


Blogger My name is Breanna... said...

LOVE Kyler's hat,,,,you guys are the hippest parents...when I showed Alex the picture, he said,"is is cold there?" I said, "maybe a little, but it probablly make him more comfortable." ......Alex says he wants a hat just like that, cuz it looks "SWEET" ! So glad to hear about the first week and what is going on. Love ya guys!

2:28 PM  
Blogger debbie brown said...

When I saw you all yesterday it made me feel so good to see everyone in such good spirits and to know Kyler had such a good week with his weight and appetite!
Again, thank you so much for allowing me to do the portraits for you family; I was honored.
See you soon!
Debbie Brown

8:13 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

Hoping for a successful return to school for Kyler.

You have a very handsome son. My son has a very similar tumor, supratentorial PNET.

We will keep Kyler in our prayers.

12:59 PM  

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