Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Bodega Bay & Disneyworld

July 13th was our 10-year anniversary. Since things have been a little crazy, I forgot that I had that Thursday and Friday off from FedEx. We were invited by Dorie and Aaron to join them for a few days camping on the beach in Bodega Bay, and since we had the time available we made the drive over to the coast. Believe it or not, it was our first camping trip as a family. In fact, it was our first camping trip as a married couple. We had gotten some camping gear for our wedding and it sat unopened for a decade to the day. I know, it seems almost un-American to never have been camping. But I think we got the bug.
We drove down Wednesday afternoon and left Friday just before noon. We froze our tails off the first night. The wind had picked up and there was so much fog blowing in that the trees above us collected water and it ‘rained’ all night on our tent. We awoke to a bit of a puddle on the floor but we were all on air mattresses so no one got soaked. Kyler, having no body fat to speak of, stayed very bundled up the whole time. The boys had a blast playing on the beach, getting their feet wet, and hunting for shells, starfish, and whatever else seemed interesting. After we shivered through breakfast we made our way over to the other side of the bay. (see photo)

I bought some kites from a great store called Second Wind that specializes in kites and other toys you might have fun with on the beach. I also picked up some salt-water taffy at Patrick’s, a pink and white striped building on the side of the road that caught my eye.
On one of our adventures exploring on the coast at low tide, we had made our way through some channels in the rocks to get to other places. By the time we started back, the tide had come in a bit and Sandie and I had to carry the boys through the water. We would have had to go swimming if we had waited much longer. We saw some beautiful starfish and lots of seaweed. The trip was really fun. A truly memorable experience.

When we arrived home on Friday we had just enough time to take a shower (we had somehow forgotten for a couple days) and get over to Lincoln Smiles, a new dental office in Lincoln. Our photo was to be taken for the Lincoln News Messenger with the dentists who are taking care of Kyler’s teeth and providing a drop-off place for people to give to Manna Relief on his behalf.
Later that evening the folks from Make-a-Wish dropped by to throw a party for Kyler to celebrate him getting his wish. They brought special backpacks filled with stuff to do on the plane for both boys along with a Make-a-Wish hat that will identify Kyler at the parks.

During this next week in Florida, please pray that Kyler had plenty of energy and appetite to really enjoy the trip. He still needs to gain some weight as well.
When we get back from our trip, we will have a post radiation MRI and spinal tap before chemotherapy starts in August.
We are praying that everything will come back clear. Thank you for continuing to pray for us.


Blogger My name is Breanna... said...

Hi Guys,
Just wanted to say have a great trip. We hope that you are able to relax a little and have a great time. We will be praying for Kylers energy and strength. What beautiful pictures of the ocean. I want to go there sometime. Call us when you get back.

8:04 AM  

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