Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Friday, July 07, 2006

Close of Chapter 1

Close of Chapter 1

Thursday we completed the first leg of a long journey - Kyler has made it through six weeks of radiation. They had a little graduation for him at the radiation oncologist’s office (without the cap and gown). They took his picture and had a little cake for him. We brought in a cooler full of chilled drinks for the guys outside who park the cars and homemade ice cream with toppings for the staff inside.

That's Stan, Kyler's friend at the radiation oncologists office. He and his co-worker Jen made Kyler feel welcome and safe during his visits.

We also videotaped the final procedure up to the point where they were ready to irradiate him. It’s fun to watch him prep his line before they give him the ‘sleepy medicine’.

We thought that since the last few weeks had gone so well that this last one would be just as smooth. That was unfortunately not the case. As he went unconscious, he lost control of his bladder and we had forgotten to make him go to the bathroom just before going in.

So, I’m off to the nearest Target to get some fresh underwear and pants. Well, I thought it would be fun if he woke up in a whole new outfit, so I bought underwear, pants, shirt, and a little jacket (since he gets cold easily with no body fat).

Upon returning I thought I’d get him dressed while he was still sleeping (at least his underwear and pants). That turned out to be a big mistake. I woke him up before his usual 40 to 60 minutes of sleeping and we had Kyler’s evil twin again. It reminded Sandie and I so much of the first day. It was so hard to hear some of the awful things coming out of his mouth and the violent thrashing and hitting.

Thank goodness we knew it would eventually wear off and we would have our sweet boy back again. Getting through that period was difficult. It kind of freaked out Kendrick as well.

By the time we got home he was pretty well calmed down and when people started showing up he was ready to have fun.

We are really looking forward to this month off. We’re going to plan some fun day trips and feed that boy as much as we can. We’re trying to get about 4-6 pounds on him during this time.

On Wednesday we got a package from Disney World. Inside was a special hat for Kyler and a vacation planning kit. We watched the video twice that day. It looks like we are in for an amazing trip thanks to the Make-a-Wish Foundation. They are providing a seven-day trip and they are taking care of everything, I mean everything. They are going to pick us up at our door, transport us to the airport, fly us there, meet us in Florida, rent us a car, take care of accommodations, all our park passes, all our food and souvenir expenses, fly us home and get us back to our house. They were even going to buy us luggage if we didn’t have any. They don’t want the family to have any financial burden during the experience. 100% worry free time to enjoy your family. I truly didn’t have any idea of how valuable that is for a family in this kind of situation until now.

The Lincoln Mom’s Club was able to raise $1400.00 dollars for our family selling water, juice boxes, and a kid craft at the 4th of July celebration in McBean park. Wow, that’s a lot of refreshments! Thank you for all your effort and love.

We have been given a month of free movie rentals at Hollywood. There is a pizza place in town that will be doing a fundraiser on a Friday night for Kyler (details to come).

Lincoln Smiles is donating dental work and accepting donations for Manna Relief on Kyler’s behalf. The M.O.P.S. group in Redding did a fund raising dinner for us.

So many of you have been helping and praying for us during this time. We are so appreciative. Your generosity and kindness has been wonderful.

When we met with our pediatric oncologist on Wednesday we found out much more about what chemotherapy is going to look like, the kinds of drugs, what hospital stays will look like, what it’s going to do to his body, all sorts of stuff.
We will provide more details later, but suffice it to say that we will be in desperate need of your prayers and support during these 11 months of chemotherapy.


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