Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hot Weekend!

We’re in the home stretch of radiation. Our doctor reviewed the timeline with us and our last one is Thursday July 6th. We will be having an open house party that evening from 5:30 – 8:30 PM. We would love to have any of you stop by to celebrate this milestone with us. The street address is 325 Ragsdale Court in Lincoln. We will have snacks and drinks available.

We had a good weekend in Redding. It wasn’t hot enough in Lincoln, so we went to where it would be 116 degrees Fahrenheit! Really! It was that hot. We took my parents who are visiting from Tennessee and stayed with Sandie’s parents. Lots of family and friends came by Saturday evening to be with us. It was great to see everyone.

Sunday morning we spent at our sending church, Risen King, giving and receiving lots of hugs. Tim Loomis, the worship pastor for The Foundry, was leading worship that morning. That evening we celebrated the birthday of a dear friend.

For our Redding friends, there is a fund-raiser being put on by the Redding M.O.P.S. (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) chapter. It’s a drive-through spaghetti dinner. You pick it up and take it home with you. Please don’t try to eat this and drive at the same time. You do so at your own risk. However, the food will definitely be worth it. I have had the privilege to eating what these women can make and you won’t want to miss out. It’s at Redding Christian Fellowship 2157 Victor Ave. on June 29th. It’s $5.00 per person. It will be open from 4:30 till 7:00 PM. Tickets are still available.

In Lincoln, the Lincoln Moms Group will be selling water bottles and juice boxes at the 4th of July bash in McBean Park to raise funds for Kyler. You can make a fan as well to keep you cool during the festivities.

Another mother in Lincoln is soliciting businesses to donate a day’s worth of profits or a percentage thereof to benefit Kyler.

We are so grateful for the people who have given their time and energy to organize these events for us. Our greatest thanks go out to you.

Also, in the upcoming Relay for Life here in Lincoln there are a few teams gathering with Kyler as their inspiration.

This will be significant for us as we continue to forge ahead with treatment and move into unknown territory. We don’t have any way of knowing what the next 11 months will hold but we do know who will be with us every step of the way and who will be our Provider.

Thanks again for being part of the process. We are grateful beyond measure.


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