Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Right Place at the Right Time

It’s amazing to see how God orchestrates and uses circumstances in the lives of his children to shape them and make them more like Jesus.

As our family continues this journey, we see a bit more of what God is doing in each of our lives. We also see God’s wisdom in the movement of our lives to this point.

As we stand here we can see His fingerprints upon our lives and are grateful for his enduring faithfulness to us in the midst of this storm.

We have commented to one another that we feel as if we are in the best place to go through something like this. We are in the best place geographically, emotionally, spiritually, provisionally, and relationally.

Geographically, we are close to our hospitals, doctors, and other resources that would have been much more difficult for us to access from Redding.

Emotionally, we feel extremely supported and loved by others and feel free to express our emotions in healthy, honest way. This blog has been a significant part of that freedom.

Spiritually, we are covered, supported, and carried in prayer. By God’s grace we are continuing to press into the Father’s Heart and listen for that ‘still small voice’ of assurance and guidance.

Provisionally, we are blessed to have very good insurance right now since I have been working for FedEx. We only had it for three weeks before we found out about Kyler’s tumor. Friends, family, and local churches continue to bless us financially to make sure we are covered for everything insurance doesn’t catch. We still don’t fully know what will be heading our way, but we trust that God’s provision through his children will be ‘more than enough’.

Relationally, we have been immensely blessed to have a strong web of friends who give of themselves freely even when we have very little to offer in return. They serve, pray, give, and love without expectation. This astounding outpouring of love has been such an inspiration to us. We cannot adequately thank all who have and continue to literally ‘give up their life’ for us in small and large ways.

We met with the Make-a-Wish Foundation people tonight and it went well. They are working to try and make a trip to Disneyworld in Orlando for our family. There is a special resort just for children and their families with serious conditions. It felt weird to even be sitting with them since most people think Make-a-Wish only works with ‘terminally’ ill kids. It’s actually any child with a ‘life-threatening condition’.

Please continue to pray for Kyler during his last two weeks of radiation. He has lost a little bit more weight but he is in good spirits. We would love to see his energy levels and appetite continue to rise and that during his month break in between radiation and chemotherapy that his body would fully recover (appetite, weight, energy, etc.)

I got a response to my letter decrying the poor timing for treating pediatric radiation patients. The hospital chief operating officer has requested that the radiation facility and the head of pediatric anesthesiology meet to better coordinate efforts. Sadly, it will be too late for Kyler but it will benefit future pediatric patients receiving radiation. I will continue to follow-up with the progress.

We will be in Redding this weekend visiting family. We will be at Risen King Community Church for the second service. We’d love to say ‘hello’ and give you a hug if you’re in the area.




Blogger My name is Breanna... said...

just wanted to praise God with you for His provisions for you and also that He has given you the ability to see His hand on you during this storm. You are such a testimony of faith to our family. Your trust in the Lord is anything but earthly!

7:28 PM  

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