Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Message from Sandie

This has definitely been a crazy season for our family! Last week we were preparing for a 4-day vacation with my parents and my sister and her kids. On Saturday night we got a call from my mom saying that my dad had fallen on the golf course and was taken to the emergency room at Mercy hospital in Redding. We drove out that night to be with him. Turns out, he had a massive stroke and his memory, eyesight, and right side of his body have been affected. The doctor was surprised he was not blind but only limited to being able to see from the left sides of his eyes. The doctor also said he will never drive again.

My mother has been shaken up quite a bit but is relying on the Lord to be her strength each day. He is now in Chico at Enloe Rehabilitation Center. He loves to see his kids and grandkids. He remembers all of us and all his friends too, but the next day, will forget that he had a stroke and not remember that he had any visitors. He has a special interest in Kyler because of what he has been through. It was so sweet to see Kyler crawl up in bed with my dad and rub his arm like I would do with Kyler after his brain tumor surgery. It’s hard for all of us to see my big strong dad look frail and helpless. Please be in prayer for his recovery in all areas.

This Tuesday, August 8th is the first day of Kyler’s first cycle of chemotherapy. To say that I’m not looking forward to it is a huge understatement. I have to lean into the Lord constantly to not fall apart with worry about what those poisonous drugs could do to Kyler. His oncologist tells us that the drugs could make many of his organs fail and his hearing will probably be affected. We have several pages of all the “possible side affects” that they have to tell you up front. It’s very hard for me to understand the treatment in light of two clear spinal taps and two clear MRI’s.. We as parents don’t have a choice to go with any other course of action. This is where we really have to find peace in God and trust Him to do what we cannot do.

This first cycle of chemotherapy is 6 weeks long. The first few days will be spent in the hospital as they administer the chemotherapy and monitor him. He will have to be monitored weekly during the cycle to make sure he is doing well. It is expected that his immune system will be down for a while as his body recovers.

Specific points of prayer for Kyler:

• Protection of organs, ears, and good cells
• Good appetite and lack of nausea
• Quick repair of immune system and blood levels

Thanks for your continued prayers for Kyler and our family. We are more grateful than you can know.


Blogger My name is Breanna... said...

Oh wow! Seems like way way too much. I am so sorry for your dad, and for your family to have yet another tragedy. It is so amazing how much of life is uncertain! We are praying for you and for your dad and mom. love from us all. Pete and Bre

9:06 PM  

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