Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Friday, September 01, 2006

Home Again

They released Kyler today after his white blood cell count rose slightly. We are home now and Kyler seems very energetic after getting a bunch of red blood cells and feeling the relief of being able to move about freely in a familiar environment.

He is still neutropenic and will not be able to go back to school till Wednesday at the earliest and only if his ANC count is above 500. Today his ANC count was 200. We must avoid crowded areas like the mall or church and keep him away from anyone who might be ill.

I must admit this was a bit of a scare. Having Kyler in the hospital for four days waiting each day to see what his blood counts were and closely monitoring his temprature was not much fun. The threat of infection in his condition is serious.

Thankfully, the upward trend in his white blood cell count was enough to release him, but with instructions to be very careful during this period.

What is peculiar is the fact that last week was supposed to be his low point as far as the strength of his immunity system goes. The doctors feel that since he has already had six weeks of radiation that this made the chemo work longer and more effectively.

Please pray for white blood cells for Kyler and a strong recovery before his next chemo treatment which is scheduled for Sep. 19th. However, they will wait till his ANC is above 1000 before moving forward with that.

The day after I posted the last blog, Sandie began to feel much better. Your prayers are effective. Thank you.

On a lighter note, we have some pictures to share from a local photographer who graciously donated her services to take pictures of our family as an offering of encouragement and support. She was the photographer for Kyler’s pre-school last year and remembered Kyler. Please enjoy. We had a wonderful time with her as she took pictures of our family doing some of the things we enjoy.

You can check out her blog for a complete slideshow of our family set to music.

Thanks, Debbie!




Blogger My name is Breanna... said...

Praise the Lord that Kyler is home. Thinking of you all. What BEAUTIFUL pictures of the love you share. It was completley captured!

12:33 PM  

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