Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Sorry it has been a while since my last post. Kyler was cleared last Tuesday Sep. 5th to go back to school as his blood counts had risen to a safe level. At his appointment today he has improved even more. You can definitely tell the difference when his immune system is stronger. He is much more energetic, his attitude it better, he is not as lethargic, and seems to enjoy life more.

This last weekend we spontaneously decided to go to Redding since Kyler seemed to be doing well and the family had decided to celebrate the birthday for Sandie’s dad, a nephew, and an uncle.

Saturday was one of the best days we’ve had in a long time. We took two of the boys cousins with us to Turtle Bay and spent the day there. They had a blast. Kyler didn’t complain about being too hot or tired and enjoyed being with the gang. That evening we came back with Sandie’s parents to see the Sundial Bridge at night.

Walt, who is improving and walking on his own, was able to cross the bridge with the help of a hiking stick. It looks like a ski pole with a rubber foot on the bottom. He is doing well.

We are working hard on strengthening Kyler in preparation for his next chemo treatment one week from today (Sept. 19th). We will definitely be needing your prayers at that time. Please pray that Kyler’s ears are protected. The drug they are using typically causes mild to severe hearing loss over time. He had a hearing test last week to establish a baseline from which to measure future changes. Pray for guidance and wisdom for Sandie and I and that we would be clear in our hearing and quick to respond. Also keep praying for Sandie and I for peace and protection against anxiety and physical effects of stress.

We deeply appreciate your continued prayers. We were able to meet several people at Risen King Community Church in Redding whom we had never met before but daily pray for us. Thank you for your faithfulness and persistence.




Blogger debbie brown said...

Wonderful news that Kyler could join all his friends at school!!

We'll send extra prayers for next week.

7:58 PM  

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