Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Second round of chemo

We had a good trip into San Francisco yesterday to UCSF. We met with a pediatric oncologist there and she had a chance to look at Kyler’s latest MRI and read the summary of his radiation treatment. She will also have the slides from his tumor looked at to double check the diagnosis. We should get a response from UCSF regarding his pathology diagnosis by the end of this week. Although UCSF has a doctor who specializes in CAM (complementary and alternative medical) therapies, they do not currently see pediatric patients. California law will not allow parents to decide between conventional and alternative medical approaches for children. We will have to pursue an integrative approach to Kyler’s treatment on our own.

Essentially, we received the same information from the doctor in San Francisco that we did during our meeting last Tuesday. But we wanted to get a second set of eyes on Kyler’s case and another opinion. I’m glad we did.

On the way home, Kyler ate a whole kids pizza at the California Pizza Kitchen. We were astounded. He hasn’t eaten that much in a very long time. Unfortunately, he threw up as we were picking up his brother up from a neighbors house.

His second round of chemo will start Thursday September 28th. Please pray for Kyler during this second round which will start about 2:00 PM. He will stay in the hospital for approximately 24 hours barring any unforeseen complications.

You all are pretty well versed by now in how to pray for Kyler during chemo. Many thanks again to the veterans who continue to fight on their knees for him.




Blogger My name is Breanna... said...

We are continuing to pray for Kyler and you all. Hopefully the docs at UCSF will shed some new ability to offer you more control in his situation. We are praying for wisdom, hope, and strength for you all. Love, the Goldens

6:32 PM  

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