Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Three Weeks Out

Well, Kyler had to stay at the hospital for the day Tuesday to get platelets. It is supposed to be a much quicker process than getting red blood, but ended up taking just as much time.

His ANC count is 200, well below the neutropenic threshold of 500. Last round of chemo at this time his immune system was gone. His ANC was 0 and he was hospitalized for four days until his white blood cell count started to trend upward. We are thankful he didn’t have to be hospitalized at this point and that he still has some white blood cells. Going to school is not an option until next Wednesday at the earliest and only that if his ANC is 500 or above. He has to stay away from crowds or anyone who appears to be ill because his body isn’t prepared to fight anything off. We head straight to the ER if his temperature gets to 101° F. Other than that he seems to fine. Still the same good-natured boy we love.

Twice during the night Kyler woke us up crying that his ear hurt. Sandie couldn’t see anything visibly wrong and prayed for him and he calmed down and went back to bed. In the morning when he woke up he was very agitated complaining that his ear and head hurt. Sandie started getting very nervous and she and Kendrick prayed for Kyler. Three minutes later he was fine, distracted by watching his brother work on the computer. When Sandie asked him how he was feeling, he said, “Fine. Jesus healed me.” We’re not sure what was happening with Kyler and we will be keeping an eye on it and calling in if it repeats.

Today Kyler spent the day hanging out at the house and watched the movie Over the Hedge, played with Nozomi (Sandie’s cat), beat us at Uno, and kept asking what he could do that was fun. He hates missing school. He helped Sandie in the kitchen, which he loves to do. They made some very interesting cornbread. When you try adding protein powder and coconut oil to the recipe something just doesn’t turn out right. Sandie is always trying to sneak in protein or fat to help Kyler gain weight and many times they just aren’t quite right (those of you who had the unique pleasure of trying Sandie’s spinach brownies will know what I mean. In all fairness, our boys loved them.) Unfortunately, Sandie and I are the only ones who are gaining weight. Actually, Kyler gained .6 pounds from last week. He now weighs in at a whopping 33.6 pounds. That’s less than several of the dogs in our neighborhood.

Please pray that he body is able to generate white blood cells and get his ANC count up as well for a clean MRI next week. Sandie and I are both PMS-ing right now (Pre-MRI Syndrome) and could use your prayers for God’s peace to be upon us. We’re not sleeping real well right now.

Thanks for your faithful prayers.



Blogger HeWhoIsCalledTom said...

The Garrises are praying for you

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Darrell: I love the PMS line...I will have to use it sometime. Gateway Fell. is solidly behind you and fam. in prayer. I wonder if Kyler didn't really have a spiritual epiphany when he said that there was a healing. When I read it, something leapt in my spirit. Keep posting bro.

4:48 PM  

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