Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Twas the day before the day before Thanksgiving

Friday morning Kyler got red blood and platelets. It looked like he might spike a fever while he was there but his temperature stayed low enough for him to go home. Saturday morning around 2:00 AM Kyler woke us up saying he was hot. We had to monitor his temperature over the next few hours to see if it was going to get high enough to take him in. We called the doctor and he said if it stayed above 100.5° F for more than a few hours or if it got as high as 101° F we would need to come in right away. Thankfully it did not come to that. Sandie and the boys had to stay close to home for the weekend while I went to Redding to lead worship at Risen King Community Church on Sunday morning.

Today at his weekly appointment Kyler was talkative with the doctor and in good spirits. His ANC is still low (100) and considered neutropenic, but he seems to have good energy. It appears he has developed a bit of an problem in his ear. It’s probably from the radiation the doctor said. It’s gotten a little crusty with a bit of pus and Kyler has been scratching at it and irritated it. We were given a prescription for antibiotics for his ears to try and help clear it up. We’re hoping he doesn’t develop a fever from it. It would stink to be in the hospital over Thanksgiving. Sandie’s parents and sister are coming down from Redding.

Thanks to all of you who have gotten the bracelets. The individual who arranged for that has told us she is all out and the order she has coming is already reserved.

Kyler has another hearing test coming up a week from today. Please pray for the continued protection of his ears and they would not be able to detect any loss of hearing.

We appreciate your continued prayers for our family during this holiday season. God is leading us but we’re not exactly sure of the path.


Blogger debbie brown said...

One of the things I am thankful for on this Thanksgiving Eve is that Kyler has such a loving family and circle of friends (many of whom he doesn't even know)-who continue to pray for all of you and who support you through thought, prayer and assistance in so many ways.
My continue prayers for God's guidance through this difficult journey.
Debbie Brown

6:25 PM  
Blogger My name is Breanna... said...

Darrell, let us know when you get more bracelets in, The kids all want them too! Hope you got my email, I sent it off before reading your blog. I am glad you were with your family. Thinking of you guys. We'll talk soon!

3:52 PM  

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