Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Please Continue To Pray!


As you most of you know, Kyler has been able to come home earlier than originally expected. He continues to recover from the surgery and is improving well.

He was home for a full day on Thursday before having an appointment on Friday afternoon with the oncologist who will be supervising his radiation treatments. We learned more specifically what type of cancer cell we are dealing with. It is an aggressive type of cancer cell called 'large cell anaplastic variant'. I'm learning more than I ever really wanted to know about cancer right now, but it's good for me to get as much understanding as I possibly can.

Sandie and I feel like we are swimming in an ocean of information and required to make life-altering decisions for our son on a subject of which we have little knowledge. The hardest part for me was listening for 20 minutes about the potential short and long term side effects of radiation. Of course they must give us all the information up front, but it didn't make it any easier to hear.

Kyler will require general anesthesia for the radiation treatments since he will be unable to remain completely still for more than a few minutes. They will make a body mold in which he will lie to ensure he remains still during the treatment. There will be 30 to 31 treatments and they will be every day except weekends. This is going to require a great deal of time commitment from our family since the treatments can only be done in Sacramento.

His spinal tap will happen Tuesday the 16th and will give information about whether or not there are any of the cancer cells floating around in the rest of his cranial spinal fluid. This is a big deal and we would request your prayers for the cranial spinal fluid to be free of any of the cancer cells.

Again, there are a few things in his favor going into this.
1) It was caught early (truly the grace of God).
2) The tumor was completely removed.
3) It had not spread to other parts of his brain or spine.

The doctors seem to agree that Kyler is going into this in about the best condition you can. The type of cancer he had is fast moving and aggressive. If it had not been caught when it did, it could have been much more devastating.

Please continue to get as many people praying as possible for our family. Not only for Kyler's condition but for Sandie and I as well. There are times we feel completely overwhelmed. We are having a hard time sleeping and eating. Sandie is dealing with anxiety. We want to make sure Kendrick does not feel neglected in this as well and understands as much as he can about what is happening.

We also need wisdom. There is a multitude of 'natural', 'holistic', 'alternative medicine' options all readily available via the internet claiming extraordinary results. We don't want to be stupid and start grasping the ridiculous. Neither do we want to neglect viable treatment options. This is especially difficult since we are not experts in any medical field. We are having to trust other people so much. Sometimes that is difficult.

Thank you.

Darrell Haskins
Lead Pastor
The Foundry


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