Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Kyler Is Home!

Greetings to all who have been supporting us in prayer and action:

When Sandie and I left the hospital today we were able to bring along a special little package. Kyler is home!
We had to bring two wagon loads of stuff down from the sixth floor that had accumulated during his week-long stay.
He continues to improve and is very happy to get to sleep in his own bed tonight with his brother just above him.
He has a check-up this Friday and his first spinal tap is a week from now.
We will be finding out more about future treatments after the results of the spinal tap come back.

Please pray that his eyes will go back to normal (he's a bit cross-eyed still), and that his balance skills will gain strength.
Also, be in prayer about the spinal tap. The results will determine how aggressive the radiation and chemotherapy will be.

God's grace and peace to you,

Darrell Haskins
Lead Pastor
The Foundry


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