Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Biopsy Results

Monday and Tuesday have had their up and down moments.

We finally heard back from the lab on the results of the biopsy on Kyler's tumor. They finally came out and used the 'c' word.
The tumor was cancerous. Without treatment, it would come back, grow, and spread.
Kyler has his first spinal tap a week from this Thursday to check and see if there are any cancerous cells floating around in the fluid.
The aggressiveness of the treatment will depend on if they find any or not and the concentration of the cells if they are present.
Even if the results come back clean they will still have to follow through with some level of radiation and chemotherapy.
The process will last one year.
The chemotherapy will make him more likely to get sick and get infections due to the compromise of his immune system.
Everything becomes a big deal. A fever will send us to the hospital. We will have to carry copies of his most recent CAT scan with us at all times to be able to give to a physician in case of an emergency.
Needless to say, Sandie and I took it kind of hard. For myself, I guess I had been in some level of denial thinking, "Great, the tumor is gone, he's improving at the hospital. We can start to get life back to normal." The idea of a year long process took me back a bit. They have indicated that the radiation would probably be everyday (except weekends) for a six week period. That's going to be a challenge.
The good news is he is improving very well at the hospital. He sat up twice for a half hour periods on Monday and the physical therapist, the occupational therapist, and the speech therapist are all very impressed with his progress and recovery.
Tuesday was a big day. They discontinued using the IV for medication and began administrating them orally and they removed the drain from his head. Now he's mobile! They feel very confident he won't require the permanent shunt in his head. Thank you for your prayers regarding this aspect of his recovery. We took several rides in a special car used by pediatric patients to cruise around the floor. We went to the playroom twice today and walked a bit. He has to have someone hold his hand still because his balance hasn't completely returned yet, but he's raring to go. They removed the bandage from the incision and it looks to be healing very well. The toughest part for Kyler is the removal of the tape as it pulls all the little hairs.
He didn't like the staples they put in where the drain was at all. That was hard to watch.
The only wires he's hooked up to now are the ones to little patches on his chest and finger monitoring heart and respiratory rates and oxygen levels.
We have been so blessed by the help people have given us. Hotel rooms, gas cards, gift cards to various stores, Starbucks cards (hallelujah), and the like. I came home the other day and someone had mowed my front yard. People have pulled weeds in my back yard. Someone cleaned and fixed our spa. People have brought meals and have offered to watch our kids so we can go out on a date. Thanks again for all you have done through your tangible acts of service and sustained prayer. You'll never fully appreciate how much they mean to us.

Please continue to pray for the following:
Spinal Tap - that is comes back clean so we can take a less aggressive course of treatment.
Vision - that Kyler's brain would get back to normal so he doesn't see doubles anymore.
Balance - that the areas of motor skills and balance would return to normal
Strength - for Kyler as he continues to heal and for Sandie, myself, and Kendrick as we walk with him down a challenging road.

For all of you who have said, "If there's anything we can do, let us know", be advised Sandie and I are working on a list and we will take you up on it.
Thanks again.


Darrell Haskins
Lead Pastor
The Foundry


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