Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Long Day

Well, we had a long day at the Radiation Oncology Center (ROC) as they prepared everything for Kyler's radiation treatments, which we found out today will begin on the 30th. That is good news because it gives us a bit more time to get his body ready for what is ahead.

We left the house just about noon and didn't get home until 7:30 PM. He spent around 3 hours asleep on his stomach as they created the body mold and made the little tattoos for reference markers. They look like little freckels. Everything went well. It took a while for him to wake up since they had to give him a pretty good dose of the 'sleepy medicine' to keep him out for so long. Boy, was he grumpy as he woke up. He kept whining and pulling the blanket up over his head.

Eventually we got out of there and headed home. We stopped at the restaurant of Kyler's choice on our way back. Kyler was very hungry since he hadn't eaten anything since 5:30 AM. He can't eat for 8 hours before receiving general anesthesia and can't have anything to drink for 2 hours prior. Pei Wei was Kyler's choice for dinner (a casual dining asian restaurant owned by P.F. Chang's). We also stopped by Jamba Juice quickly to get something yummy in which to hide some of the nutritional supplements he is taking. It worked like a dream. We also snuck in one more shake before bed. We are so happy he was hungry and kept everything down. Our hope is that he will eat well after the treatments and take a good breakfast the following morning since he will have to go all day without eating before each treatment.

Tomorrow morning will find us back at Sutter Memorial Hospital at 5:30 AM getting ready for the spinal tap and the port-a-cath placement.

Pray the spinal tap shows no cancer cells in the cerebral spinal fluid and that the surgery goes smoothly.

God's grace and peace to you.


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