Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Thursday, May 18, 2006

How can I help?

We've been asked that question so many times. It's been so comforting to know there are so many people that are willing to do anything at a moments notice. At first we were a bit paralyzed not knowing how to really answer the question. This has been our first experience with this and as such we haven't been certain of what we might need or what would be helpful. Several times I've told people, "I'm making a list and I'll let you know what's on it so you can choose something."

Well, here is the promised list. I'll put the list toward the end of this post. You can e-mail me at with a response. I can get you additional information or give you our mailing address if needed. You also might think of something we haven't even realized we might need or would be helpful. God may give you something specific that would be a blessing.

More than anything else, though, your continued prayers are desired. That is truly our daily support and strength, the grace God continues to give us because of your continued intercession on our behalf.

1 - Nutritional Supplements for Kyler - he is sponsored by Manna Relief, a non-profit organization that helps get important nutrients, vitamins, and other things into his body that will help him as he fights the cancer. All donations are tax deductible. This is the very important for us right now, but it's not covered by our health insurance. To contribute toward his account, go to On the top bar click on the Hope Program (for individual children), then click on the 'make a contribution' button. Fill in an amount next to the Hope Program and scroll down to follow the instructions for payment details, etc. In the comment section please fill out his full name (Kyler Haskins) and his ID # (86331).
2 - Gift Cards - for gas, groceries (since we've gone all organic), whatever else you think might be helpful.
3 - Child care - it will be even more important that Sandie and I have time set aside for us to be together and get out for a bit or help with Kendrick while we are with Kyler.
4 - Yard work - sometimes I can't get to mow the lawn or do some weeding, my sprinkler system isn't working properly, etc.
5 - House work - ocassionally we get behind with stuff with so many trips to see doctors.
6 - Car maintenance - we will be putting a lot of miles on the van (oil changes, brakes, etc.). We have new tires so that's good.
7 - PC repair - Sandie's computer is freaking out right now and I don't know what's wrong.

Thanks for using the gifts and talents God has given you. You are truly a blessing.

God's grace and peace to you.


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