Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Good Counts

This coming Tuesday is normally the time when Kyler has been neutropenic in the past. However, at his last visit his counts were much better than the previous cycle at the same time period. His white and red blood counts were great but he did need platelets. His overall ANC was very good (for him) sitting at 1100. He has not been overly tired or nauseated this round so far. I could tell he was doing really well when he jumped out of the van for the first time in almost a year. He’s been sitting down and scooting out for so long it totally shocked me.

I’m continuing to lead worship at Bayside of Lincoln for right now and I will be speaking there on February 25th. One of the songs we’ve been singing is a tune by Matt Redman called You Never Let Go. It’s on the Passion 06: Everything Glorious recording (one worth owning). It really hits home with us right now, and it’s often hard to sing without getting choked up. I’d re-print the lyrics here, but I think I need permission from the publisher. So look them up on the internet and someone else can have the FBI break through their door and haul them off to jail.

Pray for sustained energy and good enough ANC counts to continue school next week.

This is Kyler and his buddy Bryce. Two peas in a pod!


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