Kyler Updates

A journal of Kyler's fight against cancer

Friday, May 26, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend

After a really rough start to radiation, Kyler has responded better over the last two days. We let him sleep a bit longer after the treatment before getting him up and that seems to reduce the length of the angry physical reaction. He was also able to keep everything down that he ate. This helped ease our anxiety a great deal. He was running around outside and seeming like himself. The boys were even able to get into the spa tonight for a bit so Kyler could try out his new goggles!

When we go for a treatment, he knows what’s ahead and he doesn't like the way it makes him act. "What if I get grumpy again?” he asked.
"It's o.k. we still love you even when you're grumpy."
The 'sleepy medicine' makes him act in ways he doesn't want to and he can't control it. It's no wonder he is anxious about it.

Your prayers specifically for lack of nausea, increased appetite, and less irritable side effects from the anesthesia have had a significant impact. It is directly related to all those who have petitioned God on his behalf. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We have a long weekend to try and fatten him up! He weighed 35 pounds last Tuesday and we are praying for the same weight or more this coming Tuesday.

Please continue to pray for Kyler during his radiation treatments. It will be around the 2 to 3 week mark that some of the more significant side effects would be noticed (sore throat, skin irritation, etc.)
Sandie and I could also use prayer for the following: Sleep. Neither of us has been getting consistent uninterrupted sleep. Sandie is experiencing what we feel is stress or tension headaches. My allergies are really bad this year (worse than I can remember from any time in the past) and I have to be a week off of antihistamine before seeing the allergist. I would recommend buying stock in Kleenex since I have personally increased their sales by double digits this spring!

There have been so many of you who have blessed us greatly during this time. We have received meals from a number of families. We have received encouraging cards, e-mails, letters, and scripture verses. We have been blessed with gift cards for gas, groceries, coffee, and other things. Special dental treatments for Kyler to protect his teeth during radiation was donated by Lincoln Smiles. Many of the local churches in Lincoln as well as individuals from many different places have helped financially to offset some of the medical costs. Individuals have donated to Manna Relief to sponsor Kyler to receive the nutritional supplements that will help his body stay strong through treatments. Other creative and special gifts have lavishly poured out upon us, many times from people we do not know personally. Thank you for you willingness to love on us during this time. We cannot express our gratitude adequately.


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